Which Came First – the Chicken or the Egg? The Bible and Science

This has been a topic of debate for more than 2000 years, but with the latest finding in genetics, it appears those who say the “chicken” are on the winning side. The present writer says the “chicken” based solely on the Biblical narrative, but I am pleased to pass on the recent scientific findings that support the Biblical stance.

We can start by summarizing what we know about chickens, eggs, and genetics:

  • Chickens and their eggs have the same DNA. A chicken’s DNA is set at conception and remains the same no matter the form: egg, chick, pullet, capon, hen or rooster.
  • Chickens are domestic animals whose purpose is laying eggs. Some lay up to 300 eggs per year.
  • Chickens have a gene which allows them to produce an egg with a shell in less than 24 hours. This gene is unique to chickens. No other egg-laying creature has it.
  • Chickens are a unique species: Gallus gallus. There are many colors, shapes, and sizes, but only one species.

Previously, those who accepted evolutionary biology said that the egg came first. This was based on the notion that a near chicken mated with another near chicken and produced a chicken egg. This chicken egg hatched and found another chicken that was conceived by two near chickens. The two chickens mated and Gallus gallus made its debut as a viable species. Case closed! Well, not quite! say some of their peers. Recent genetic studies found that chickens have a unique gene called ovocledidin-17 (Oc17) 1. Without the proteins produced by this gene, a chicken cannot lay an egg. This causes trouble with the “egg first” thinking since near chickens could not lay a chicken egg because they didn’t have the Oc17 gene. So, if the egg couldn’t come first, it had to be the chicken. It would be impossible for an egg from two near chickens to develop a complex gene which produces a protein with 142 amino acids. You would need two eggs that could accomplish this feat and coexist at the same time and place. This defies any imagination of probability and is a severe problem for those putting their money on the egg. The ancient philosopher, whoever he or she was, couldn’t have picked a worse example for the evolutionists. He or she could have picked any other egg-laying creature and would have avoided this inconvenient truth. On the other hand, for we creationists, the Bible is once again shown to be Rock solid.

It must be said that the evolutionary stance is still not dead. The chicken is said to be the closest living relative to the T-rex (Tyrannosaurus rex). Since we do know whether T-Rex had the Oc17 gene, the case is not closed.

Now, let’s look at the Biblical narrative. The Bible says that all things were created in six days, this includes the wild and domestic birds. The Bible also states that all things were created after their kind and that they reproduce after their kinds. Therefore, the Bible, which does not change with the ages or “latest” hypotheses is and has always been clear:

  • Gallus gallus was created during the first six days of the creation. It was a chicken and it mated with other chickens that were also created during the creation week.
  • Gallus gallus reproduces after its kind and produces more chickens.
  • The chicken was created for man. It has the ovocledidin-17 protein which separates them from other species and allows us to raise chickens and have plenty of fresh eggs.
  • Also, the Gallus gallus species has sufficient genetic diversity to produce egg laying chickens and meat chickens. Some chickens lay beautifully colored eggs and some chickens have silky feathers. They were divinely created for us. They are like dogs, they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors to be useful and pleasing to mankind.

Dear friends and children, the Bible gets it right every time. It is Rock solid and can be trusted, eternally.



  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/100313508


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